Where to buy Meccano literature,sets and parts,
Updated October 15 2024
In the UKAlansmeccano.org do not sell Meccano literature, sets or parts but this page can guide you to where sets, parts and Meccano literature can be purchased. A few local toy shops and stores sell sets in the current Meccano range on line. There are also few on line stores such as, Amazon,Argos selling Meccano sets. However unlike past times retailers do not sell individual parts but of course your set can always be added to from additional sets, increasing building possibilities. Sadly each time I revise this page there are less sites selling Meccano but those lsted below will provide you with places to purchase sets and parts.
If you see a Meccano exhibition advertised you can be certain there will be at least one dealer in attendance also dealers of old parts can be found at Toy Fairs. All old parts are fully compatible with current 8+ age group sets. On the World Wide Web there are many specialist dealers some are listed below .Please note I have no financial connections to those listed. These are reliable dealers names that I know, many of which I have purchased sets and parts from. There are many other sellers but this list may give you some help in getting sets and parts. I regularly check the links on this page if they are broken please let me know. Many Meccano builders find bargains in the UK at Boot sales. Click on the under scored names and this will link to the sites listed below.
Where to view and download old Meccano instruction (plans) manuals NZ Meccano complete Meccano manuals can be down loaded here. Meccano manuals 1937 - 1978 can be viewed and downloaded here although this is not a complete list it does have most of the more common manuals. Remi's Meccano pages most of the old manuals and Meccano Magazines can be downloaded on this comprehensive French site. Timothy Edwards old manuals and Meccano Magazines can be downloaded. I am often asked where manuals and plans can be purchased. One of the best sources is M/W Mail Order who sell a wide range of Meccano literature,model plans and software. If you own a number 10 outfit you can buy some excellent modern instructions that are a great advance on those that were produced by Meccano. Please Note Meccano World Wide DO NOT sell sets or parts. |
Online shop selling Meccano, Meccano replica and compatible parts As well as standard parts there are unusual parts such as the girder frame,loaded sack, shafting standards, roller chain, etc. all parts are fully compatible with the Meccano system. Most of the new parts are made by Metallus in Germany, some of the brass parts and loaded sacks are made by the shop owners Frank & Tricia in the UK.
MECCANOMANThis on line shop sells sets,motors and parts, mainly new and reproduction from a variety of sources also second quality parts at cheaper prices from his sales stand. Ordering on line is sometimes not available when there is a high demand. Dave also has a sales stand at many Meccano events and club meetings. Currently Mail order only due to Covid-19.
Meccano Hobby.co.ukJohn Thorpe of Meccano Hobby sells refurbished parts, new repro parts, old sets and parts, motors, collectors parts and sets. He usually has in stock the parts that were in the old 10 sets. John also sells some nice reproduction Meccano point of sale material. As of January 2024 John is running down his website and now has a smller range of items for sale. John also has a sales stand at many Meccano events
MODELIT LTD. (The Meccano Shop)MODELIT Meccano shop sells new Meccano sets and parts, reproduction parts, sets,second hand lots and literature. Formally know as Frizinghall models who were established over 30 years ago. A recent introduction is their own range of traditional style Meccano sets sold under the name of MECCASET
Mike Rhoades Specialist Supplier of English Meccano for over 30 years
Mike sells excellent condition and second quality Meccano parts, motors, sets, Number 10 sets, dealer's cabinets, manuals, Meccano magazines, that were produced at the Binns Road factory up till 1979. Specialises in red and green there is no web site. Mike has many rare and collectable parts, motors and sets for sale up to and including including Number 10 sets. Orders can be placed by letter, telephone or fax. I have always found he offers an excellent and speedy service with postage charged at cost plus a small packing charge. Mike also has a sales stand at Meccano events and vintage toy fairs but not at present due to Covid-19.
A New Price list now available. Please send an A5 S.A.E. to the address below. Mike Rhoades 137 Fairfield Avenue
Click to download the latest January 2022 catalogue/price list Click to download the latest Specials price list, Sets, Literature and Rare parts.
Meccano Collectors corner where you can buy, swop and sell Meccano This is a great non commercial site where you buy sell and swop Meccano , no fees involved. |
Meccano builders and enthusiasts Ralph and Sue have a web site selling mainly modern, unused sets and parts , bargain lots, used parts. Prices are very reasonable but there is not a complete range of parts. As of March 2017 they are selling off there entire large collection of sets,motors and parts. This site is not operating at present.
Meccanospares.comMeccano Spares is a well established website specialising in Meccano and other associated parts. They can offer over 1800 different Meccano parts, both compatible reproductions and pre-owned original Meccano. Orders sent worldwide. Please email Meccanospares before ordering to check on the stock situation. |
Other European Countries |
MR ProductionsTout pour le MECCANO Distributor of Meccano spare parts also from Metallus and Ashok Banerjee. Literature on Meccano and various Model Plans (Sets 9 and 10, and Super models) MR Productions stock many of the recently introduced parts from the Calais Factory M.R.Productions SARL
Worldwide |
MeerluManufacturer and supplier of Meccano replica and special parts, including strips, girders, plates, circular parts and brass ware, not sets. Meerlu, 7 Meerlu Avenue |
Ashok BanerjeeManufacturer of high-quality standard, obsolete, and special metal and plastic parts also sells beautiful reproduction 9-10 sets at a very reasonable price. Worldwide distribution with dealers in seven countries including UK , Western Europe, North America and South Africa . As of July 2023 Ashok announced " I am suspending deliveries with immediate effect." |
Andrew Wells Meccparts.comSets and parts from the current Meccano range also repro parts. PO Box 26-179 |
Joel Perlin Metal Construction ToysBased in California USA Joel Perlin is one of the few Meccano dealers in the USA. Spare parts new and old Erector sets (Meccano uses the Erector branding in Canada and the USA) also lots of collectable stuff is available from his on line store. Joel Perlin |
eBayThere are many sellers of Meccano on eBay and there are bargains to be had. Always be wary of such phrases as: very rare, hard to find, believed to be, good condition for age. These often indicate the seller does not have a lot of knowledge about Meccano, many do not. Sellers often think because its old it must be rare, just remember millions of Meccano parts and sets have been made and still are. Bent or rusty Meccano has no use or value unless you are prepared to to do a lot of work in restoring it, best to look elsewhere. Look for good clear pictures so you know what you are bidding for and always take the postage and packing in to consideration ....... metal Meccano is very heavy! Sets from the last 20 years are often very good buys for someone just starting out with Meccano. One final thing some sellers show a generic picture not what they are selling! The selection of sellers below have eBay shops and usually have a fair range of parts. |
John and Marie's Meccano StoreLarge range of new and used parts from all eras of Meccano production all items are buy it now so no bidding prices though are on the higher side. |
jamesrc5ivetA good range of unused and used parts, good value and mainly buy it now prices so no need to bid also low postage costs. |
Range of recent genuine French Meccano parts at good prices sold by an enthusiastic Meccano builder.
Created September 30 2009 Last revised January 11 2024(win10-update) |