This is a model of an old style Platen letter press printing
machine built with mid-nineteen fifties red and green parts.
It was described with full detailed instructions in the October
1955 Meccano Magazine. The model was based on a prize winning
model from the 1952/53 International Model Building Competition by
Mr. F. Davy, Auckland, New Zealand. One of the terms of entry for
the competition was that entries became the copyright of Meccano
Limited giving the company a vast source of material to publish.
Printing machines of this type were to be found in in almost every
"Jobbing" Printer's premises in most towns but now only found at
craft printers or heritage village museums. The Meccano model
follows the same operational process as an actual printing machine.
The type is placed in the holder shown below this fits in the front of
the machine behind the flat pressure plate, Printers Ink is spread on
the inking plate, a 95b sprocket wheel, the rollers pick up the ink, roll
over the front of the front of the machine depositing the ink on the
type, paper is placed over the type and a pressure plate presses the
paper against the type, the plate moves back and the printed
impression is then removed. The machine is capable of printing small
items such as business cards or circulars, just right for advertising
your Meccano Club's exhibition.
The Meccano Magazine text suggests rubber type from a toy printing
set could be used "John Bull” printing sets were very popular in the
1950’s but for better results metal type should be used. This it was
suggested could be bought quite cheaply from a local printer. I have
used metal type that was from a corporate identity project in my Art
School days in the 1960's! I don't think "Medway College of Art"
would have missed it even at the time! Type shown on the right.
I followed the instructions and parts used except for the use of some
recent plastic parts. The model is driven by a 1950's Meccano E20R
electric motor as shown in the original instructions, I am running it at
around 10 volts DC to give a steady speed, it ran alarmingly fast at
20v AC!
In 1957 the printing machine was made available as a sales aid for
Meccano dealers to purchase it came mounted on an illuminated
stand with a wooden base.
A video of the model in operation is available
on YouTube. Click on the logo.
Web Page created October 19 2022 Revised 20/10/2022