Gas Engine

Gas engine 01

Gas engine 02

The gas engine is model 7.19 from the 1948 No.7/8 manual although it goes back much further appearing in the 1937 no.7 manual. The 1948 instructions were in fact the same original artwork as those but with the yellow hatched lines removed from the plates. Several modifications had to be carried out to complete the model, the instructions for fitting the cylinder just did not work as described. It made a nice little project one afternoon over Christmas 2001. It was a far better model than it looked from the manual and worked very well when the crank handle was turned. The colour of the parts is of the Yellow, blue and silver period circa 1970. Many of the parts have been re sprayed to match those colours.

Gas engines often took over the role of horizontal steam engines. They were powered by coal gas (not gasoline) that was piped in most towns in the U.K. The engines quite often drove electricity generating equipment or pumps in water works and often used the same town gas produced by the local council.

Revised May 05 2015

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