As you will no doubt know I love building old models and here is another. When looking for inspiration for something new to build I browsed through a copy of the 1930 4-7 manual and came across this attractive model number 7.4 Locomotive and Tender (Midland, 4-2-2). My thoughts were that it was a model that with some small modifications would look brilliant in 1930's red and green. It is in fact a small model for such a large set.The model shown in the manual was based on a prize winning entry listed in the February 1926 Meccano Magazine built by Keith W. Cameron who in later years became a very well known and active Meccano builderin the U.S.A. The locomotive its self is clearly based on the 4-2-2 express locomotive designed by S.W. Johnson and built for the Midland Railway between 1887 - 1900. (shown below) These elegant locomotives were nicknamed “Spinners” because of the large single driving wheels.I built the model using only the parts in my circa 1930 Number 7 outfit with exception of two slotted, non Meccano, nickel narrow brackets on the driving wheel covers and one green chimney adaptor. The main modifications to the manual instructions were: a longer tender to accommodate six wheels, a wider cab, bigger chimney and dome, addition of safety valve. All the additional parts are included in the number 7 outfit. Unfortunately the design does not allow the engine to fit on gauge "0" track because the driving wheels only just fit between the boiler and frame and are outside the width of "0" gauge track.Also shown in the manual is a huge model of a "Single Driver" engine based on a Sterling eight foot single but in my opinion the smaller Midland 4-2-2 is the better of the two models.This is the second railway engine I have built the first was a 4-6-2 tank engine also from the 1930 4-7 manual.
Further historic information this model. Keith Cameron’s winning model was featured as a “New Model” with a whole page of instructions in the April 1926 Meccano Magazine. The instructions suggested the wheels could be placed closer together to fit Hornby track with “some modifications”. There was a suggestion too that a Meccano clockwork or electric motor could be fitted in the tender. An idea not published in the later manual.Page created March 30 2020Revised June 30 2021Please note historic picture source unknown.