The instructions for building this AEC Regent double deck bus were published in the March 1954 Meccano Magazine. The actual AEC bus was also shown on the front cover along with a three page article inside about the Liverpool Corporation buses and sadly the demise of the extensive tram system which the new buses were replacing. The model is not set specific but needs a good collection of parts. A similar but less attractive Double Deck Bus was shown in the 1954-1961 number 7 manual. My model is built using 1950's red plates and 1970's zinc constructional parts. I more or less followed the rather minimal instructions but with different parts in some areas. The steering needed some changes due to the heavy weight of the bus. As you can see the body work needs a considerable amount of plate bending, here a roller plate bender was invaluable as was the use of drifts to align parts. The model is driven as in the instructions by a Meccano E20R electric motor. When connected up to a 20v AC power supply I was surprised at how well it cruised along and at a fairly good speed despite its weight of 4.6 kg. The model built up into an attractive well proportioned  representation of the original bus. The model lacks seats but I did add a seat for the driver and rear staircase. Page created June 26 2024